Several spring breakers arrested in Florida for ignoring COVID guidelines.

Several spring breakers arrested in Florida for ignoring COVID guidelines.

Hundreds of people celebrating spring break in south Florida were arrested over the weekend for ignoring coronavirus guidelines.

“We’ve got too many people coming, we’ve got too many people acting out and we have COVID at the same time, so it’s a triple threat,” Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber told CBS. “If you’re coming here to disrupt then it’s not worth the money to us. It’s not worth the revenue. You cannot pay our community to endure the kind of inappropriate and improper conduct that we’ve been seeing.” 

On Friday, police used pepper balls to disperse a large disorderly crowd and arrested one person. Two officers were taken to the hospital for minor injuries following the incident and released Saturday morning, according to the Miami Beach Police Department.

Miami Beach extended its state of emergency declaration and emergency measures through March 17, which includes a midnight curfew, CBS reports.

But, the state of Florida does not have a statewide mask mandate. Gov. DeSantis has also lifted all COVID related restrictions on businesses in the state.

Despite this, Gelber warns, “if you’re coming here because you think anything goes, you’re going to have a terrible time. We’re going to arrest you. We’ve made hundreds and hundreds of arrests.”