Trump’s attacks get even more bizarre: Forget sleepy, senile Joe Biden, make way for Joe Biden the destroyer.

Trump's attacks get even more bizarre: Forget sleepy, senile Joe Biden, make way for Joe Biden the destroyer.

Donald Trump just can’t land a punch on Joe Biden and it is driving him crazy. Simply put, a Joe Biden presidency just doesn’t provoke the kind of visceral rage in Donald Trump or his supporters that Clinton’s presidency would.

Therefore, Trump is doing something, anything to reignite that level of vitriol his supporters felt in 2016 for Hillary and redirect it towards his 2020 running mate. As a result, he is stepping up his assault on Biden with scattershot attacks that left voters with whiplash instead of causing any significant damage to Joe Biden’s favorability. In a matter of days, Joe Biden went from being a sleepy, senile old man who belongs in a retirement home to a destroyer, coming to take your windows, abolish the suburbs and defund your police departments. All this while being a trojan horse for socialism, a puppet for the Sanders-AOC wing of the party and to make things worse, he doesn’t even have a god damn boat parade.

Like, wut?

These attacks are as confusing and foolish as they are ironic. Maybe the Trump campaign realized that the ‘sleepy, senile decrepit old man, totally dependent on others to complete daily tasks’ archetype went out the window when they stood—like a bunch of trained seals—to applaud Trump for drinking water using one hand at his ‘big’ comeback rally in Tulsa last month.

New poll spells trouble for Trump

From all indications, it doesn’t appear that his current line of attack on Biden is working either. A new ABC News/ Washington Post poll that came out last night, shows Biden extending his lead over Trump to 15 points, (55-40%). Additionally, Trump’s new ‘law and order’ thing is not resonating with voters. The poll finds that voters trust Biden over Trump with their safety and to handle crime by a 7 point margin, (50-43%). Turns out it takes more to be the ‘law and order’ president than just randomly tweeting ‘LAW AND ORDER’ at any hour of the day.

What the Trump campaign and Donald Trump fail to realize is that this November election will be a referendum on Trump. Instead of constantly attacking Biden, Trump needs to show voters that he can actually do the job he was elected to do. Until he’s able to do that, all his attacks on Biden will continue to backfire.