Anti-vaccine nurse tried to stick keys to her body to prove that COVID vaccine made her magnetic…she failed.

Anti-vaxx nurse tried to stick keys to her body to prove that COVID vaccine made her magnetic...she failed.

An anti-vaxxer failed to prove a conspiracy theory that COVID-19 vaccines make people magnetic at an Ohio State House meeting earlier this week.

The woman, identified as Joanna Overholt, a nurse, was speaking at a hearing to promote the GOP-sponsored House Bill 248, which addresses civil liberties around vaccines, according to Insider.

She tried to place a key and bobby pin on her body in an effort to prove that both would stick to her skin, the attempt ultimately failed.

“Yes vaccines do harm people,” she confidently declared before she began her demonstration.

“Explain why the key sticks to me,” she says after putting the key on her skin for less than 5 seconds before removing it. She tried again with a bobby pin, “It sticks to my neck too,” she says even though she failed to actually get the pin to stick.

Overholt testified in support of the Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act, which would prohibit anyone from mandating or asking people to take a vaccine, including the COVID-19 vaccine.