Jon Ossoff claims victory over David Perdue in Senate runoff.

Jon Ossoff claims victory over David Perdue in Senate runoff.

Democrat Jon Ossoff has claimed victory over incumbent Sen. David Perdue in Georgia Senate runoff.

With 98 percent of the vote in Ossoff is leading Perdue by more than 16,000 votes but the race still hasn’t been called.


“I want to thank the people of Georgia for participating in this election,” Ossoff said. “Whether you were for me or against me, I will be for you in the U.S Senate.”

“Georgia, thank you so much for the confidence that you have placed in me. I am honored, honored by your support, by your confidence, by your trust, and I will look forward to serving in the United States Senate with integrity, with humility, with honor, and getting things done for the people of Georgia,” he continued.

Ossoff’s lead is within the 0.5 percent margin that would trigger a statewide recount in the race.


If his lead holds, Democrats will regain a majority in the Senate since Democrat Rev. Raphael Warnock was already projected as the winner over incumbent Sen. Kelly Loeffler.


Other Democrats are already congratulating Ossoff before the race has been called. Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate and the wowan credited with Democrats’ victory in November and in the Senate races tweeted:

“In 2017, Georgia’s next U.S. Senator @ossoff confronted a dark chapter in our nation’s story by standing for office. Now Jon Ossoff will stand for all of Georgia in the fight for healthcare, jobs + justice. And our nation will be all the better for having him. Congratulations!”